Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nunoa Stake Relief Society

President Laycock and President Villar attended Nunoa Stake Relief Society! They felt great love for each Sister as they visited with them and learned more about them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hola, Sis Laycock!

You don't know me. I was buzzing thru random images from Relief Societies around the world for a Birthday project I'm working on for my ward. For kicks and giggles I searched for "Relief Society Chile" since that's where I served back in the day. Imagine my delight at finding this shot from Nunoa and La Hna Tolosa on the far right!

My first area was Marathon and I lived with Hna Tolosa and her family for 3 months. I was SUCH a greenie, couldn't hardly speak at all, but she was awesome! Patient, kind and with the right kind of humor and indulgence to help out a newbie suffering from culture shock and homesickness.

Anyway - thanks for posting this - really takes me back. It's odd to thing of Nunoa being in East Mission now. I served in the North Mission, from which Anto Mission split off the month after I went home. I served in Nunoa, Quilicura (Huechuraba), Renca, Iquique and Arica.

Ciao and que Dios les bendiga a usted y el Presidente Laycock!

Hna Hutchison
Kansas City Stake (where we're getting a new temple next year!!)