Thursday, October 14, 2010

Signs of Spring

Finally...our little Chilean eggs hatched. This nest in the rafters of the Mission home patio is getting rather full as this sweet little family grows and matures. It will soon be time for the little ones to spread their wings and fly. We have enjoyed watching the patient parents sit hopefully on their nest and wait for their family to come. We will continue to watch until they gently nudge their babies out of the comfortable, safe nest to soar away on their own.

It reminds us of the many faithful parents of our Missionaries who have worked so patiently to teach their children, and now with great love and patience, they support and encourage their children in their excellent mission service. We are so grateful for the Lord's plan of happiness that allows us all to experience peace, joy, and happiness, to create strong family bonds, and to prepare ourselves to live with God again. (Estamos agradecidos por el plan de felicidad de Dios para la vida.)

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